Yesterday I received a jury duty summons. It should prove interesting, as I've never served on a jury. As luck would have it, the Toronto Star published an article on jury duty in this morning's newspaper.
Happy Easter to my fellow Greek Orthodox Christians, and others celebrating the holiday today. This year is particularly difficult with the global pandemic, which is keeping many of us apart from those we love due to social distancing. We pray that next year we will be spending it with all of our friends and family members. It sometimes takes a global crisis like this to remind us to treasure each moment , as we don't know what the future will bring.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope that 2023 brings you joy. The last few years have been difficult for most people, due to the pandemic. Lives have been changed, and plans have been altered. I pray that this will be the year that things return to normal, so that we can make the most of our lives without worrying about putting our health at risk.